Coaching for You

Coaching Pathways

The Life & Leadership Coaching Journey

Your Life & Ministry Plan Our Guidance.

The Life & Leadership Coaching Journey is a guided process over the course of 8 to 12 months that helps you gain new insights and awareness to continue growing as an abiding follower of Christ and effective leader. Tools such as the DiSC Assessment, Ideal Week and Life Accounts are used to help you identify action steps to grow in your faith, identify values, live out priorities, gauge your overall health and be a lifelong learner in the areas of service and leadership.

Life & Leadership coaches use our exclusive coaching pathway of Assess, Abide, Align, Advance to help you identify your current reality, hear from God, align with His Word and move forward with the good and full of hope plans He has for your life and leadership.

I pursued the Navigators Life and Leadership Coaching experience because I desired to bring clarity to my own thinking and a greater focus around God's priorities for me. One of the highlights was the personal retreat at the beginning undergirded by time in the Scriptures and prayer. This was a deep experience of hearing from God. The year-long coaching itself was empowering and even inspiring as Roy and I worked through my priorities. His ability to ask the right questions and his cheerleading are wonderful gifts for which I continue to be grateful. I still use the results from the process on a daily basis.

–Mutua Mahiaini -International President of The Navigators

Life Coaching

Your Agenda Our Guidance.

Ministry leaders often face obstacles that get in the way of living in the fullness of life that Jesus came to give. Life Coaching can be one or several coaching conversation to help you gain a new perspective that transforms these obstacles into opportunities. Our coaches are available to walk alongside you and partner with the Holy Spirit to ask questions that stimulate discovery.

Our life coaches use the coach approach allowing you to hear from God, align with His purposes and identify action steps to move forward.

Leadership Coaching

Your Agenda; Our Tools, Frameworks, and Experience

Ministry leaders have a high calling from God to lead well. Our leadership coaches use the coach approach to facilitate conversations aimed at identifying your specific leadership needs, goals, and action steps Many of our coaches are equipped to coach using the Navigators Shepherd Leadership Framework (Lead, Develop, Care), Clifton Strengths, and the DiSC Assessment.

Our leadership coaches are certified Navigators Life and Leadership coaches and have ICF certification along with years of ministry leadership experience.