Lyndi Lee Markus

Embracing Gray Spaces

“Did you know you have permission to be wrong?” my friend asked me gently. I was in the middle of a discernment process, and heaven seemed silent while anxiety tightened its viselike grip around my stomach, propelling me into a constant and gut-wrenching cycle of second-guessing. I grew up cultivating

Position Mixtapes

How do we know what we know? How do we determine our position, or what we believe, on various issues? We all combine different sources of knowledge in different ways, resulting in a highly personalized position mixtape. The four sources of knowledge are Scripture, personal experience, reason, and tradition. How

Ava and the Unicycling Clown

Every evening around six o’clock that summer, a clown with bright orange hair and a fluorescent purple polka-dotted top hat rode past my house on a neon blue unicycle. A black lab in a red bowtie darted around below him. The first time, despite the fact that I usually find

The Embodied Experiment

Want to see how your physical posture affects your spiritual experience? Try this contemplative exercise to increase awareness of your body in worship. Offer God your observations in prayer, and see what He says. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices as our spiritual

Does Fit = Faithful?

Revealing a false equation that results in disordered thinking, eating, and emotional attachments as we swap the balanced, kind care of our God-given bodies for the pursuit of cultural constructs of beauty and fitness.