Leadership Development

Cheating is Wrong… Isn’t It?

SEEK TO UNDERSTAND BEFORE BEING UNDERSTOOD  The first thing most missionaries learn is the mantra, “Different isn’t wrong, it’s just different.”  In situations where we don’t understand others’ actions, it can be helpful to look at the ways Jesus related to people and the types of questions He asked them—He

The Cost of Community

During my staff team’s first get-together before the new school year, I felt impassioned by the Spirit to share about how crucial unity would be for us as a team that year. Little did I know what that unity would cost, and who would need to pay up. Spoiler: it

Conversations on Teamwork with the Collegiate Executive Team

Noah Haas, Melissa Nugent, Ben Nugent, Deb Proctor  Hosted by Norm Hubbard  A good team can make or break your experience of job and ministry.  During the Navigators National Collegiate Conference in 2021, Norm Hubbard interviewed the Collegiate Executive Team about some of their thoughts on teaming. Ben and Melissa

Eight Hours of Sleep

A colonel I knew said that when he was deployed to Afghanistan as a battalion commander, he made sure to get the best sleep of anyone in his unit. That seemed odd—shouldn’t he have worked longer and harder, sacrificing his rest for the sake of his soldiers? But he had