
Am I Practicing an Integrated Faith?

After the George Floyd video hit the internet, racial tensions in the U.S. began to rise—and the Body of Christ was not excluded from this tension. People from all sides voiced their opinions, and as a Christian Black man, I found myself in many conversations about race and racism within

What I Said and How I Said It

“Pastor, I don’t know what to think. A loving God can’t possibly think this about me, can He?” The voice on the recording belonged to a young woman who described herself as bisexual (attracted to men and women). She had been building trust with our community over the last few

A New Song

“How’s your health, Caitlin?” This was a simple question from a caring Navigator staff woman, as we caught up during a wedding weekend in 2009. Suddenly, the room spun and I had trouble breathing. Heart racing, I lay down on her couch and tried to compose myself. What in the

Worry Proven to be Highly Effective

A scientific study has revealed the significant effectiveness of worry and anxiety. It turns out that over 95 percent of the thing we worry about never occur! 🙂 In spite of this “scientific study,” we see Jesus taking a different view. In Matthew 6:25-34, He addresses the fears that often

Embodied Spirituality: Giving Up Prayer for Lent

Back in college, I often lay awake late into the night, mentally scrolling through my ever-increasing prayer list. Sometimes I would drift into sleep, only to jerk awake at two a.m., horrified to realize I had missed praying for the last few people.

Strength in Masculinity

On Halloween, my kids excitedly put on their costumes to run house to house for their annual candy-induced sugar high. My four-year-old son wore a full knight costume, complete with helmet, shield, and shining silver sword. Inside this little boy lived a mighty warrior ready for battle. But what did this young knight do first? He poked his two-year-old sister with his plastic sword!

Physical Dependence, Spiritual Freedom

I don’t remember breaking my neck, but I’ve heard the basic story. As I bicycled home from work twelve years ago, another cyclist cut in and sent me spinning off the trail to land headfirst on a rock. My spine was crushed rather than severed, so I can breathe without