
It Started with a Question

Our true connection started with a question: “What is your greatest desire for the church today?” Alejandro and I had already been talking for thirty minutes, give or take. We’d introduced ourselves and explained what we do for a living. We’d found common ground in our commitment to sharing the

Curiosity Leading into Green Pastures

Dave and I met while he was stationed as a Marine here at Camp Lejeune. For about the last 18 months, he and I have met for prayer and to fellowship deeply with the Lord together.  Our times are always a mini-celebration of the goodness of God in our lives

Burning Bushes, Burning Questions

“You all go explore the mall,” Mom said. “I’m going to stay here and people watch.” People watch? What’s that? Curious, I slid onto the bench beside my mom as my siblings headed off.  “God created so much amazing diversity in this world,” she explained as we watched the world

Ava and the Unicycling Clown

Every evening around six o’clock that summer, a clown with bright orange hair and a fluorescent purple polka-dotted top hat rode past my house on a neon blue unicycle. A black lab in a red bowtie darted around below him. The first time, despite the fact that I usually find

Hospitality for the Life of the World

God’s hospitality floods the pages of Scripture, and our embodiment of His Word enables us to join Him in bringing healing to people’s lives.

Presence: Face to Face

I survived two years as an EDGEr, an overseas mission trip to Norway, and most of my dating relationship with my now-wife, Heather—all without a cell phone. Shocking, right? What does it mean for us to be really present with each other?